These Are the 4 Best Silver Coin Types To Buy in Order To Turn a Profit

In order to facilitate the purchase of three-cent first-class postal stamps, they were issued in the middle of the 1800s.

1851 Three Cent Silver

The half dime from 1792 was among the earliest coins the US ever ordered.

1792 Half Disme

It also urged Americans to band together to defend our country from foreign

1942-P Jefferson Wartime Nickel

forces seeking to annex it while aiding in the liberation of other countries.

1942-P Jefferson Wartime Nickel

Among the rarest coins made for public use in the 20th century is the 1916-D Mercury

1916-D Mercury Dime

dime. A coin for the first year of the series, only 264,000 pieces were produced.

1916-D Mercury Dime

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